Sonic the Hedgehog
Released in 1991, Sonic the Hedgehog is to Sega Genesis what Mario is to Nintendo. Sure, he never quite reached the heights of that famous Italian plumber but who has? Nonetheless, Sonic is a legend in his own right with his epic speed and spinning capabilites. Here we have the first game for the Sega Genesis (though not the first Sonic game ever!).

The goal of this game is for Sonic to rise to the challenge and stop Dr. Ivo Robotniks evil schemes to steal the six Chaos Emeralds. Robotnik has imprisoned the animals of the world into mechanical machines programmed to attack on sight. Sonic will have to deal with these robots if he is to stop Robotnik by freeing them as he progresses throughout the game. There are 6 total stages or zones each made up of 3 smaller levels. The 3rd level of each zone has a boss that Sonic must defeat.

Sonic the Hedgehog is a classic, iconic character of video game history and this game will be pure nostalgia for most of you veteran gamers.

I still remember being 9 years old and playing this game in the basement of my old house. I would spend hours sitting on the floor in front of the TV just trying to beat Sonic the Hedgehog. When you are a kid, you kind of stink at video games but Sonic was always a game that even a 9 year old could beat. I recall the first time I beat the Star Light Zone and actually progressed to the final zone. What a great moment. Naturally, I was slaughtered in 8 seconds flat in 6-1 but hey at least I made it!